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Listening to Music

To listen, simply join The Music Zone stage channel whilst I Want Die is present, and enjoy. You are free to converse with other listeners in the #music channel, as well as The Music Zone's built-in text chat.

To see what is currently playing, type .now. You may also view the entire queue by typing .queue. I Want Die will also announce each track that has begun playing, in the last channel a command was used in.

Requesting Tracks

Requested tracks cannot be longer than 20 minutes.

Users with @Pub Resident (or higher) or @Twitch Subscriber can request songs for I Want Die to play using .play in the #music channel, providing either a URL or search term. For URLs the following services are supported:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Soundcloud
  • Bandcamp

If a valid URL for a supported service is provided, I Want Die will add it to the queue. If a search term is provided, I Want Die will search YouTube for the term and queue the first result. It is therefore recommended to use URLs to avoid unexpected results. If you do wish to search, you can use .search to see results before adding anything to the queue.

You are free to queue anything you want, keeping the following guidance in mind:

  1. All queued content must be in line with the rules of both Discord and the RTGame server.
  2. Be courteous to other active listeners, avoid queueing more than your fair share or voting to skip everything that isn't yours.
  3. Memes are allowed, but don't be surprised if they end up skipped.
  4. If the channel is busy, it is possible for the queue to be hours long.

Skipping Tracks

If the currently playing track is not to your liking, you may initiate a vote to skip it by typing .skip. For a track to be skipped, 40% of current listeners must vote. If you change your mind, type .skip again to remove your vote.

Removing Tracks

Currently, if you have mistakenly queued a single track, you will need to ask an @Mod Discord to remove it for you. You may also use .queue cleanself to remove all tracks you have added.

Default Music

If the queue is empty, I Want Die will start playing a selection of default music. These can be identified by I Want Die being the requester of the track. Any queued tracks will play after the current default track ends.

When Things Break

If you stop hearing audio suddenly, try reconnecting to the stage channel. If other user also cannot hear audio, ask an @Mod Discord for help.

If I Want Die leaves the stage, please ask an @Mod Discord to convince them to return.

More advanced issues may require an @Admin to investigate, which may involve some patience on your part.

Command Reference

  • .now - See what is currently playing.
  • .queue - View the whole queue. Use the reactions to switch pages.
  • .search - Search YouTube. Use the reactions to queue a search result.
  • .skip - Vote to skip the current tracktrack.
  • .queue cleanself - Remove all tracks added by you from the queuequeue.
  • .percent - See which users have requested the most tracks in the queuequeue.