Results and changes for 1.19 Survival
This is a summary of the changes we will be implementing for the RTGame Minecraft 1.19 Survival Server, following the feedback from the recent survey. 42 of you responded, unfortunately much lower than last time, and your feedback is valued. Hopefully the players who chose not to respond this time will be happy with the results. If not they only have themselves to blame.
All percentages are rounded for easier reading and thus may not add up to 100%. Many of the major changes made for the 1.18 Stress Test will remain in place due to strong support.
Server Settings
WhatThe isdifficulty stayinglevel will remain the same
Whilst66% someof thingsplayers are changing, many are stayingpreferred the same.difficulty Theremain belowat listits current hard-with-normal-elements level, with another 5% wanting an increase to straight hard difficulty. In addition 80% of settings,players mechanicsresponded andrated pluginstheir allenjoyment received strong support inof the survey and will be returning unchanged in the 1.18 Stress Test Server.
Difficulty(71% supported)The existing mix of hard basecurrent difficultywithasnormal4/5elementsor above.
All gamerules will remain
- the same
doInsomnia - Remains Enabled
In a close result,
Gamerules44%- of
- players wanted phantoms to continue spawning, with 32% against and 24% having no preference.
forgiveDeadPlayers - Remains Enabled
doInsomnia61%enabledof players preferred neutral mobs to forgive dead attacking players, with 15% against and 24% having no preference.universalAnger - Remains Disabled
Only 7% of players wanted angered mobs to attack all nearby players, instead of only the attacking player. 83% were against this whilst 10% had no preference.
doImmediateRespawn‌ - Remains Disabled
(68%78%supported)Phantomsof players were against enabling instant respawns, with just 5% in favour and 17% having no preference.doPatrolSpawning - Remains Enabled
Pillager patrols will continue to
spawnspawn, - with the support of
forgiveDeadPlayers78% of players. 2% of players were against this, with 20% having no preference.disableRaids - Remains Disabled
Raids remain enabled
(85%aftersupported)78% of players voted in favour. The remaining 22% had no preference.AngrymobskeepInventory - Remains Disabled
Player inventories will
forgiveagaindead players universalAnger disabled (93% supported)Angry mobs will only target the player who attacked themdoImmediateRespawn disabled (95% supported)You will need to click the respawn button to respawndoPatrolSpawning enabled (98% supported)Pillager patrols will spawn as beforedisableRaids disabled (100% supported)Raids will remain a thingkeepInventory disabled (78% supported)Inventory contents will still be droppeddrop on death after 68% wanted to keep the current setting. 22% were against whilst 10% had no preference.doWeatherCycle
enabled-(98%Remainssupported)WeatherDisabledPerhaps unsurprisingly, weather will continue to
happenchange naturally with the support of 95% of players, with 2% against and a further 2% with no preference.
- players wanted phantoms to continue spawning, with 32% against and 24% having no preference.
Serverserver settings- will
- change
disabled-(80%Remainssupported)DisabledMobs spawned from spawners will continue to have
AI.AI, - with the support of 59% of players. 20% wanted these mobs to be nerfed while 21% had no preference.
Bedrockwillofonceplayersagainwantedgenerategeneratedasbedrock to remain a flat layer. - 15% were against this and 2% had no preference.
will retain their block moving abilities. use-better-mending enabled (98% supported)XPwill continue to pick up and move blocks after 49% responded in favour, with 37% against and the remaining 15% having no preference.MobsTrampleCrops - Will be Disabled
Mobs will no longer be able to trample crops, after 63% of players wanted this feature disabled. 27% wanted it to remain enabled whilst 10% had no preference.
use-better-mending - Remains Enabled
85% of players wanted the existing tweaks to mending logic to remain enabled, meaning mending will always repair
yourthe most damagedmending enchanted equipmentitem first. 12% wanted this feature disabled and 2% had no preference.shift-right-click-repairs-mending
Sneak-right-clicking will use someofyourplayerscurrentwanted this feature to remain enabled , with 5% against and 7% having no preference. Shift right clicking to spend XPtoonrepairrepairing mending enchantedequipment,itemsaswillbefore.therefore - remain possible.
enabled-(98%Remainssupported)AsEnabledbefore, breaking aBreaking double
slabslabs whilst sneaking willinsteadcontinueonlyto break thetargetedhalfhalf.of the slab you are aiming at, after gaining the support of 88% of players. 2% wanted this feature disable and 10% had no preference.
- change
enabled-(Remains Enabled100%
supported)Lootableofcontainersplayerswillwantedretainloot chests to continue replenishing theirregeneration abilitiescontents fornewly lootingother players.sign.allow-colors
Usingformattingof players wanted color codes tocolourremaintextusable on signs.sign.right-click-edit - Remains Enabled
100% of players wanted signs to remain editable via right clicking while holding another sign.
chicken.retaliate - Remains Enabled
This very cool and wacky feature will remain
66%Theofabilityplayerstoshowededittheirsignssupport.by15%rightwereclickingagainstthemandwith20%anotherhadsignno preference.Fire will
alsostillbe retained.chicken.retaliate true (85% supported)Chickens will continue to attack players that have attacked them.
The current server setting, fire spreading and damaging unclaimed blocks, is now the most popular option, and a majority of players would still like to see some form of fire spread on the server, including the single "other" response. Over half of players would like to see fire spread at the current level or above. Keeping the current setting seems the best course of action.
Option | Votes | Percentage |
Fire never spreads or damages blocks |
9 |
21.95% |
Fire spreads outside of claims, but does not damage blocks | 7 |
17.07% |
Fire spreads and damages blocks outside of claims |
18 |
43.90% |
Fire spreads everywhere, but does not damage blocks | 2 |
4.88% |
Fire spreads everywhere, but does not damage claimed blocks |
3 |
7.32% |
Fire spreads and damages blocks everywhere |
1 | 2.44% |
Other | 1 |
2.44% |
Just over half of players supported the current server setting of explosions damaging unclaimed blocks. The previous settings of damage outsideonly ofoccurring claims
underground was in a relatively distant second place. The remaining votes are all for less damaging options, which brings the results close to a 50/50 split. It seems we can't please everyone here, so the current setting will remain due to the slight edge in numbers.
Option | Votes | Percentage |
Explosions never damage blocks |
3 | 7.32% |
Explosions only damage blocks underground |
4 |
9.76% |
Explosions only damage blocks outside claims, unless /claimexplosions is toggled for a claim |
21 |
51.22% |
Explosions only damage blocks underground outside claims, unless /claimexplosions is toggled for a claim |
12 | 29.27% |
Explosions damage blocks everywhere |
0 | 0% |
Other | 1 | 2.44% |
Sleeping (83%mechanics supported)
will remain the same
The length of the night will continue to vary based on the number of currently sleeping players.
Opt-in PvP will remain, along with dedicated arenas
A significant majority of players are happy with the current opt-in PvP system and we will be keeping it in place. We will also be allowing PvP arenas to be created as in previous survival server iterations, after several comments requested this.
Option | Votes | Percentage |
No PvP at all | 1 | 2.44% |
PvP possible only in designated areas/arenas or worlds |
4 | 9.76% |
PvP possible only outside of claims |
0 |
0% |
PvP possible everywhere on an opt-in basis | 30 | 73.17% |
PvP possible everywhere on an opt-out basis |
2 | 4.88% |
PvP possible everywhere |
1 | 2.44% |
Other | 3 | 7.32% |
Item despawning (90% supported)
Nether roof travel allowed (95% supported)Travelling via the Nether roof will remain possibleOnly trusted players can edit the directory (74% supported)Trusted players will remain in charge of the Nether directories
What will be changing
Mobs won't trample crops etc aaaaaa
PvP will be enabled on an opt-in basis
The PvP question presents more interesting results, with opt-in PvP not far behind the existing PvP approach and neither having a majority.
Based on the above we will be experimenting with an opt-in PvP system. This isn't guaranteed to make it in for the start of the Stress Test, but we would like to introduce it at some point to see how it goes.
Some actions will no longer require trust in claims
Based on the survey results we will be removing trust requirements for the below actions which previously required trust on the 1.17 Survival Server. As with all other changes we can revisit this at a later time if necessary.
Opening wooden trap doors (74% supported)Opening gates (66% supported)Trading with villagers (74% supported)Triggering raids (58% supported)
Additional datapacks will be added
We received a few comments requesting bundles be obtainable on the 1.18 Survival Server. We will therefore be trying out the VanillaTweaks Craftable Bundles (Rabbit Hide) datapack on the 1.18 Stress Test Server, which as you may expect allows you to craft bundles with rabbit hide.
Separately to this we have also decided to add the Rotten Flesh to Leather Rabbit Hide datapack to allow smelting of rotten flesh to create rabbit hide and from there leather. You can then craft this leather into horse armour, and some other items of much lesser importance/
The Nether Hub design is changing
We will be trying a smaller and simpler Nether Hub design this time round after reviewing the survey comments. Some players disliked the travel time from ice highway to portal in the 1.17 iteration of the Nether Hub, so the 1.18 Stress Test Nether Hub will use a roundabout design as shown below (materials not final).
This design retains the ability to switch between highways without leaving your boat, but reduces the travel time between highway and portal by keeping them both on the same level.
In addition to this we have reduced the overall size of the Nether Hub to the bare minimum required for the portals, highways and directories. We have also implemented redirection of portals to the central nether hub portal, if they would have been created inside the nether hub area. This means the large overworld spawn area is no longer required, other than to protect the building itself and to provide space for future necessary structures. As a result we will be reducing the spawn size to 100x100 centered on the spawn point, 96% smaller than the 1.17 Survival Server spawn.
Finally this iteration of the Nether Hub will not be square. The cut off corners you see above will not be protected and can be edited by all players. We hope this will inject a bit of the 1.13 Nether Hub sprit where players had a larger say in how the Nether Hub looked.