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Results and changes for 1.21 Stress Test

This is a summary of the changes we will be implementing for the RTGame Minecraft 1.21 Stress Test Video Game Gaming Server, following the feedback from the recent survey. 73 of you responded and your feedback is valued.

As with previous Stress Test servers, this is a good time for us to experiment with new ideas. Changes we make here may not stay for the final 1.21 Survival Server, and there will be a follow-up survey during the Stress Test to see if changes have been well received. We would appreciate you keeping an open mind.

Cited percentages are rounded to the nearest percent for readability, and therefore may not add up to 100%.

Server Settings

What is staying the same

The below things will be left unchanged for 1.21 Stress Test Server.


90% of players responded positively to the current difficulty, with a enjoyment rating of 4 or above. 73% want the current hard-with-normal-elements difficulty level to remain unchanged.


  • doInsomnia - Remains enabled (66% supported)
    Phantoms will continue to spawn. In theour closest result yet, 36% of players wanted phantoms to continue spawning, with 35% against and 30% having no preference. It is clearly not possible to make everyone happy here, and disabling phantoms raises questions about the availability of Phantom Membrane, so we will leave this setting unchanged.
  • forgiveDeadPlayers

    forgiveDeadPlayers - Remains Enabled


    61%(100% supported)
    Angry ofmobs will forgive players preferredthat neutralhave mobsdied.

  • to forgive dead attacking players, with 15% against and 24% having no preference.

  • universalAnger - Remains Disabled
  • disabled

    Only(88% 7% of players wanted angeredsupported)
    Angry mobs to attack all nearby players, instead ofwill only target the attackingplayer player.who attacked them.

  • 83% were against this whilst 10% had no preference.

    doImmediateRespawn‌ - Remains Disabled


    (95% supported)
    You will need to click the respawn button to respawn.

  • 78% of players were against enabling instant respawns, with just 5% in favour and 17% having no preference.

    doPatrolSpawning - Remains Enabled


    (100% supported)
    Pillager patrols will spawn as normal.

  • disableRaids - Remains disabled (95% supported)
    Raids will continue to spawn,happen.
  • with the support of
  • keepInventory 78% of players. 2% of players were against this, with 20% having no preference.

    disableRaids - Remains Disabled


    Raids(81% remainsupported)
    Inventory enabled after 78% of players voted in favour. The remaining 22% had no preference.

    keepInventory - Remains Disabled

    Player inventoriescontents will againstill dropbe dropped on death.

  • after
  • 68% wanted to keep the current setting. 22% were against whilst 10% had no preference.

    doWeatherCycle - Remains Disabled


    Perhaps(100% unsurprisingly, weathersupported)
    Weather will continue to change naturally with the support of 95% of players, with 2% against andremain a furtherthing.

  • 2% with no preference.

    Some server settings will change

    Server Settings

    • nerf-spawner-mobs - Remains Disableddisabled (96% supported)

      Mobs spawned from spawners will continue to have AI,AI.

    • with the support of
    • 59% of players. 20% wanted these mobs to be nerfed while 21% had no preference.

      flat-bedrock - Remains Enabled


      83%(93% supported)
      Bedrock ofwill playersstill wantedgenerate generated bedrock to remainas a flat layer.

    • 15% were against this and 2% had no preference.

    • EndermenMoveBlocks - Remains Enabledenabled (71% supported)
    • Endermen willcan continue tostill pick up and move blocksblocks.

    • 49% responded in favour, with 37% against and the remaining 15% having no preference.

      MobsTrampleCrops - Will be Disabled

      Mobs will no longer be able to trample crops, after 63% of players wanted this feature disabled. 27% wanted it to remain enabled whilst 10% had no preference.

      use-better-mending - Remains Enabledenabled (100% supported)

      85% of players wanted the existing tweaks to mending logic to remain enabled, meaning mendingXP will always repair theyour most damaged itemmending enchanted equipment first.

    • 12% wanted this feature disabled and 2% had no preference.

    • shift-right-click-repairs-mending - Remains Enabled
    • enabled

      88%(97% supported)
      Sneak-right-clicking will use some of playersyour wantedcurrent this featureXP to remain enabled , with 5% against and 7% having no preference. Shift right clicking to spend  XP on repairingrepair mending enchanted itemsequipment, willas thereforebefore.

      remain possible.

    • break-individual-slabs-when-sneaking - Remains Enabled
    • enabled

      Breaking(100% supported)
      As in 1.20 Survival Server, breaking a double slabsslab whilst sneaking will continueinstead toonly break the halftargeted ofhalf.

      the slab you are aiming at, after gaining the support of

    • 88% of players. 2% wanted this feature disable and 10% had no preference. -enabled Remains(100% Enabled


      100%lootable ofcontainers playerswill wanted loot chestscontinue to continue replenishing their contentsrefill for othernewly looting players.

    • sign.allow-colors -enabled Remains(99% Enabledsupported)
    • Using

      100% of players wanted colorformatting codes to remaincolour usabletext on signs.

      sign.right-click-edit - Remains Enabled

      100% of players wanted signs to remain editable via right clicking while holding another sign.

      chicken.retaliate - Remains Enabled

      This very cool and wacky feature will remain enabledpossible.


    • chicken.retaliate 66%true (95% supported)
      ofChickens will continue to target players showedthat theirhave support.attacked 15%them.
    • were
    against and 20% had no preference.

    Fire will still spread outside of claims


    The current server setting,setting fire("Fire spreadingspreads and damagingdamages unclaimedblocks blocks,outside of claims") is nowremains the most popular option,option at 37%, and athe vast majority of players would still likewant to see some form of fire spread on the server,server. includingWith the single "other" response. Overover half of players would like to seepreferring fire spread at the current level or above.above, Keepingkeeping the current setting seems the best course of action.

    Option Votes Percentage
    Fire never spreads or damages blocks
    Fire spreads outside of claims, but does not damage blocks 712
    Fire spreads and damages blocks outside of claims
    Fire spreads everywhere, but does not damage blocks 21
    Fire spreads everywhere, but does not damage claimed blocks
    Fire spreads and damages blocks everywhere
    Other 1


    Explosions will continue to damage unclaimed blocks

    JustAlmost over halftwo-thirds of playersresponses supported the current server setting of explosions damaging unclaimed blocks. The previous settings of damage only occurring underground was in a relatively distant second place. The remaining votes are all for less damaging options, which brings the results close to a 50/50 split. It seems we can't please everyone here, so the currentThis setting will remainbe dueleft to the slight edge in numbers.unchanged.

    Option Votes Percentage
    Explosions never damage blocks
    3 7.32%4.11%
    Explosions only damage blocks underground
    Explosions only damage blocks underground outside claims, unless /claimexplosions is toggled for a claim
    Explosions only damage blocks outside claims, unless /claimexplosions is toggled for a claim
    Explosions only damage blocks underground outside claims, unless /claimexplosions is toggled for a claim
    Explosions damage blocks everywhere
    03 0%4.11%
    Other 12 2.44%74%

    Sleeping mechanics will remain the same

    The lengthcurrent ofsleeping themechanics, where night willlength continue to varyvaries based on the number of currently sleeping players.players, will remain in place with 71% support.

    Fixed percentage

    Dynamic night length
    Unskippable shorter nights/longer days

    Opt-in PvP will remain, along with dedicated arenas

    A significant majority of players are happy with the current opt-in PvP system and we will be keeping it in place. We will also be allowing PvP arenas to be created as in previous survival server iterations, after several comments requested this.

    Option Votes Percentage
    No PvP at all 1 2.44%
    PvP possible only in designated areas/arenas or worlds
    4 9.76%
    PvP possible only outside of claims
    PvP possible everywhere on an opt-in basis 30 73.17%
    PvP possible everywhere on an opt-out basis
    2 4.88%
    PvP possible everywhere
    1 2.44%
    Other 3 7.32%

    Item despawn times will remain the same